Growth Mindset

Your abilities and characteristics do not define you. They are a snapshot in time and can change giving you greater success, more fun in life and better relationships. By appreciating that your mindset or view of the world can change, you will open up opportunities to enjoy things more, to improve your self esteem, learn and develop new skills and enhance existing ones. You’ll reduce the stresses in your life, build your confidence, take more responsibility and focus on the things you can control. You’ll also take value from set-backs and take others with you. This module will help you see that change is empowering.


People often see resilience as your ability to bounce back from adversity. This certainly can be the case and your attitude and attributes can influence how well you bounce back and for how long. Raising your awareness of these things, that can absolutely be learnt and applied, can help you be a better version of yourself. But resilience is also about putting yourself in those adverse situations and still thriving, as many if you will be in positions where challenge is part of the role. In this module you’ll learn what resilience is and how you can use it to your advantage.

Personal Fuel

There are parts of us that are subtle, yet have high demands on our ability to get through any given day. If we ignore them, then we’ll soon come to a standstill. But if we recognise them and maintain them, then we will have the ability to function throughout each day at a level beyond expectations.
We’ll generate energy rather than expend it. Really understanding this enables us to make better decisions, improve our relationships, increase our effectiveness, makes us more creative and passionate and makes us feel so much more healthy physically, emotionally and mentally. This module will help you raise your energy higher than it’s ever been.

Self Efficacy

You are perfectly aligned to the results that you are getting. If you believe you can, then you will. We’ve all heard this before haven’t we. Well, it’s true. The more belief you have in your ability to get results, to meet challenges and to influence events, then the better our outcomes, our health and our lives. You’ll cope better in stressful situations, you’ll focus on solutions and you’ll have more energy to sustain your efforts. This module will help you see yourself in a positive light.

Understanding People

How many times do we say something or do something that is taken in completely the wrong way? You aren’t predictable, you have your own ways, you see things very differently, that’s what makes you unique. But if you can start to appreciate these differences in others, start to pick up emotional cues, listen to understand, demonstrate sensitivity and help people in a way that’s appropriate to their needs and emotions, then you’ll stand a better chance. This module will help you to help others.

Personal Impact

Personal Impact is about understanding how your actions and behaviours are perceived by others. By taking control and acting more consciously you’ll stand out for the right reasons, you’ll develop relationships that really matter, you’ll interact more effectively and with more influence, you’ll build confidence and you’ll build the life you really want. This module will help you to understand how you can choose your impact.

Introduction to Leadership

Leadership is a lot bigger than you. It’s about developing people, helping others reach their potential, overcoming challenges to lead people through uncertain times. Leaders don’t take ownership of challenges or tasks, they help others find their way. Leaders open doors so that others can choose which ones they’d like to walk through. This module will take you through exactly what leadership looks like.

Online Courses

Do you want a digital solution that meets your individual or business needs?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fringilla augue sem. Nullam dictum nisl facilisis aliquet scelerisque. In et ultricies velit. Cras eu faucibus orci, in rhoncus nulla. Suspendisse accumsan justo a nisl scelerisque, at lobortis augue varius. Vestibulum ac quam tortor.

Vivamus fringilla lacus sit amet sapien porttitor congue. Quisque odio ex, pretium quis finibus non, mollis id mauris. Praesent scelerisque ullamcorper iaculis. Sed imperdiet aliquet tristique. Aenean eu sem nec mauris fermentum dictum.

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Samsung – Leadership – Module 2

Ut maximus arcu condimentum, vestibulum diam quis, sodales turpis. In quis dui malesuada, viverra dolor ac, maximus quam. Sed suscipit quam sed lectus rutrum, rutrum consequat neque pharetra. Mauris dignissim semper augue non semper.

Vivamus lacus dolor, aliquet eu commodo ut, sollicitudin ultrices sapien. Duis tristique nibh turpis, finibus ultrices leo imperdiet et. Nunc augue turpis, cursus vitae elit non, iaculis accumsan felis. Quisque eleifend ipsum sed finibus interdum. Integer blandit ipsum non felis gravida,

 » Read more about: Samsung – Leadership – Module 2  »

Cadbury – Leadership – Module 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elementum egestas nisi, vel mollis dui varius in. Aliquam erat volutpat. In tempor mattis viverra. In a quam aliquam, pretium sapien non, porta sem. Nam lectus dolor, vulputate at arcu vel, condimentum volutpat eros.

Ut bibendum sem lacinia, convallis orci ac, laoreet metus. Maecenas maximus tincidunt aliquet. Vestibulum elementum ut quam eget dignissim. Nam vitae volutpat nibh. Phasellus ut nulla in augue vehicula malesuada id eget urna.

 » Read more about: Cadbury – Leadership – Module 1  »

Samsung – Leadership – Module 1

Nunc ultricies est at ex egestas dictum. Nunc ut odio dui. Ut quis lorem non turpis convallis elementum non in velit. In dapibus lacus tincidunt, accumsan orci vel, ullamcorper augue. Aenean interdum porta dolor tempor cursus. Nullam neque enim, fringilla eu magna eu, dignissim volutpat odio.

Suspendisse viverra malesuada metus, euismod accumsan mauris tincidunt non. Nullam ut diam dolor. Integer posuere magna vitae ipsum faucibus, ac pretium ligula elementum. Vivamus non orci purus.

 » Read more about: Samsung – Leadership – Module 1  »

You want maximum impact? Then be nice.

Imagine this.

You’re sat at your desk, in your office, with your mobile by your side. You’re tapping away at the keyboard and your phone rings. On the screen it shows the name of your boss. What’s the first thing that comes into your mind?

Something positive? Something negative?

Now imagine this. You pick up your phone and ring one of your team. Your name appears on their screen as it rings.

 » Read more about: You want maximum impact? Then be nice.  »


Do you want to make better decisions, get better results?


Do you want to deliver confident, authentic, motivational messages?

Personal Impact

Do you want to be able to engage, inspire and leave a lasting impression?


Do you want a team that provides the ultimate competitive advantage?