One of the many things that all of the leaders I am fortunate to work with have in common, is that they are really good at their job.
Or so they think.
Now, hold on. You may have just read that and thought, “Ouch, that’s a bit harsh.” But hear me out.
Lots of leaders have done the job of the people they lead. They know what to do in any situation their team finds themselves in, easy fixes & ways of succeeding.
When things are tough, it’s so easy for them to jump back in, roll up their sleeves & help out.
That’s the great part & there’s lots of you reading this that are just like that. Great.
Imagine this –
It’s busy. You’re under pressure to complete. You’ve got multiple meetings in your diary. Clients to please. Directors to convince. Then someone needs showing how to do something. Do you take time to explain or do you do it for them?
What I’ve found is it tends to be the latter. When we’re busy, we do.
It’s quicker to do than explain.
Yes, that’s right. But ask yourself this –
How many times do you do it for them in a week? In a month? In a year? Soon mounts up.
In reality, taking 15 minutes to teach, allows you hours to focus on what you’re there to be.
To enable others. To clear obstacles out of their way. To allow them to be brilliant.
15 minutes not only gives you more time in the long run, it means they are now self-sufficient in that task. It’s a Win Win.
Great leaders are never too busy to teach. Busy is the enemy of others brilliance & yours too.