The Moraliser

We all know that our morals enrich our lives. They are the things that guide us, set our standards & are how we hold ourselves accountable to others.

But have you ever met a Moraliser?

A person who seeks to impose their views on others, telling them how to live & behave. They want you to conform & comply with their preferences. They defend their actions by saying they are trying to defend you from harm.

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Do you have a Leadership bias?

We don’t like to admit that we are bias. But we are.

We prefer a particular brand, we prefer particular foods, colours, music, sports teams. But these aren’t really a problem.

It gets challenging when people are involved.

Subjects like gender, race, religion, age, these are sketchy territory. That’s why they are protected in businesses and rightly so. Companies have specific development programmes to raise awareness around them.

We’d struggle to openly admit that we have a bias in any of these areas.

 » Read more about: Do you have a Leadership bias?  »